It is all very sad. But it just tells us what we already surely know.
But will it make one jot of difference? You know, I really doubt it. They talk about the lead nurse in a ward having complete control on what goes on in her/his patch. And that nurses falling below the acceptable level on the compassion scale with be dismissed.
But how on earth do you get to dismiss staff on such grounds with present employment law as it is?
I can predict pretty confidently what will happen: the alleged miscreant will go weeping straight to their GP claiming stress due to victimisation and discrimination, demanding to be signed off sick. And believe me, GPs do not refuse them lightly. It is simply too much trouble, especially when the waiting room is packed.
And armed with the requisite piece of paper, the next stop off points will be the union representative and the lawyer.
Sadly, the patient, as happens so often, will come second. Unlike the employee whose livelihood is threatened, if you are old, frail or dementing you are hardly in a situation to stand up for yourself.
Quite simply, the current nurse training is attracting the wrong candidates. If you have to be taught kindness and compassion, you shouldn't even think of a career in nursing. And bring back the old state enrolled nurses; nurses with sound experience in basic nursing care, enough knowledge to ensure they can administer basic treatments and look out for problems, and the caring attitude of people who really want to look after others, and do it well. Is it really that difficult?